A FREEDOM ALLIANCE among the INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF NIGERIA, as reflected in the THE ACTUAL PRESIDENTIAL VOTE OF 25 FEBRUARY 2023 IN FAVOUR OF PETER OBI is emerging and consolidating because the WAR BOOTY ALLIANCE that emerged from the Nigeria-Biafra war has DECAYED NIGERIA at the expense of all Nigerians. Imagine all the World leaders visiting Africa and non thinks of visiting Nigeria. Imagine top African countries’ leaders visiting Ukraine and Russia, and nobody mentions Nigeria. Imagine all the talk of BRICS expansion, and nobody talks seriously of Nigeria. Nigeria has become a manifest Neocolonial State.
Those, like Buhari and Tinubu, who believe that Nigeria can be held, perpetually, hostage to the WAR-BOOTY ALLIANCE on the basis of SHARED HATRED FOR THE IGBO found out on 25 February that the rest of Nigeria are not with them or their defunct paradigm. The foundation of their Cartel and Scam has collapsed. Nobody can save it.
The campaign by Omokiri and company, pretending to promote Awo’s Legacy, aims to resuscitate the HATRED FOR IGBO FOUNDATION OF UNITARY NIGERIA and it’s Fraudulent 1999 Constitution. The voting pattern of 25 February shows that their attempt is futile. Nigerians have suffered enough for their guile. Using Awo’s name as a Oxygen tank in their desperate resuscitation effort is, also, futile. Awo stated his attitude that justified his actions against the Igbo in his 1960 Biography.
There is nothing Omokiri and company can do about it. Rather many Yoruba leaders, like Pa Ayo Adebanjo and Professor Banji Akintoye who actually worked with Awo, are now part of the Indigenous peoples alliance for Self-determination and freedom from internal colonialism. These seasoned Yoruba Elders take this stance because Awo had told them, in his last days, that the road to Yoruba freedom lies in working in alliance with the Igbo.
Professor Banji Akintoye, clearly, reported this abiding Awo instruction. Reno Omokiri and those he works for are SUBVERTERS OF AWO’S WILL WHO PRETEND TO BE AWO’S MEN. Their opportunistic diatribes against the Igbo are not heading the road they wish. They are, rather, driving Nigeria down the Highway to Sudan. History Will Laugh at Them!
Chidi G. Osuagwu